The thought of having your parents in a nursing care home has probably never crossed your mind. However, a time comes when it's the most prudent thing to do, given that it can be impossible to offer full-time care at home. Your aging parent will spend a considerable...
Using Local Insight And Legal Know-How
To Protect Your Interests
Year: 2021
Question: Is your estate plan valid?
People plan for pretty much everything: Where they want to live, where they want to go for vacation, how many kids they want to have and so forth. But, most people never take time to plan what they wish to happen to their future and estate when they are either...
Guardianship doesn’t strip vulnerable adults of all their rights
When adult guardianships make the news, it is almost always because of an issue with one. Stories about family members using guardianships to control individuals or their assets aren't that common, but they certainly make for sensational news, especially when the...
Supporting your elder parents while preserving their independence
Many elder Americans are in a paradoxical situation. They worked hard throughout life, raised a family and created a plan to protect their estate. Unfortunately, when they finally retire and prepare to enjoy the fruits of their labor, the side effects of aging begin...
Why do you need an estate plan now?
Estate planning is a cross between planning for the inevitable and planning for the unexpected. You will die one day, yet you do not know when or how. While an estate plan should cover what happens when you leave this world, it should also set out what happens if you...