Elder Law Attorney, Estate Planning Attorney, Life Care Planning Attorney, and Probate Attorneys, with all the names it can be somewhat confusing to figure out what you are looking for. According to the US Census Bureau, more than 51 million Americans are currently...
Using Local Insight And Legal Know-How
To Protect Your Interests
Month: March 2019
How to age in place
Aging in place – Dafoe Law can help – Call and ask about our Elder Care Coordinator and how they can help you age in place. According to AARP aging in place is a goal for 3 out of 4 Americans aged 50 or more. These seniors and near seniors are willing to employ...
Balancing Caregiving and Your Career
Many Americans have a job title above and beyond their career – it is caregiver. Being a caregiver for a senior family member, particularly long-term care, can bring about lost wages and missed opportunities for the caregiver. A report by Genworth entitled Beyond...
The Surprising Health Risks of Hearing Loss
The findings from a 10 year study by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)have reported a link between hearing loss and health risks. The risks include a 50% greater risk of dementia, a 40% greater risk of developing depression and a nearly 30% higher...
Aging in Place with the Internet of Things
Aging in place with the internet of things. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are looking to the future of the US health care system, and it is projected to be overloaded with seniors needing medical care. In 2010 the US elderly population accounted for...