Individuals have the ability to make sure that their medical wishes are followed even after they are able to make the medical decisions. Consider the following hypothetical. Abe stands at the door of Betty nursing home room, tears streaming down his face. The medical...
Using Local Insight And Legal Know-How
To Protect Your Interests
Month: September 2019
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When Assisted Living May Not Be Enough
Do you have loved ones in assisted living or getting ready to transition into or out of assisted living? Dafoe Law offers Life Care Planning that goes beyond traditional elder law and includes an Elder Care Coordinator. The Elder Care Coordinator can be helpful in...
What to Do to Manage Someone Else’s Social Security or Veteran’s Benefits
You have been appointed to help your seven-year-old nephew Roberto manage his Social Security benefits. In the Social Security system, you’ll be called Roberto’s “representative payee.” The situation is similar if you’re appointed to help your elderly father, who has...