An Overlooked Epidemic: Older Americans Taking Too Many Unneeded Drugs Sandra G. Boodman Consider it America’s other prescription drug epidemic. For decades, experts have warned that older Americans are taking too many unnecessary drugs, often prescribed by multiple...
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To Protect Your Interests
Year: 2017
Funding: The Principal Residence Exemption and Limited Partnerships
Funding your trust or estate plan can easily be forgotten. In fact, it often is, but what about when the funding causes other problems? Funding is the process where you implement your estate. You transfer assets into a trust or business entity. Or it could be the...
Three Reasons Why Giving Your House To Your Kids Doesn’t Protect It From Medicaid
You may be afraid of losing your home if you have to enter a nursing home and apply for Medicaid. While this fear is well-founded, transferring the home to your children is usually not the best way to protect it. Although you generally do not have to sell your home in...
Standalone Retirement Trust: What is it? And Why Should I Consider One?
Standalone Retirement Trust. Retirement accounts like IRAs and 401ks are protected from your creditors during your life. However, when you pass the account to your children and grandchildren the protection disappears. Until recently, people didn’t use trusts with...
Estate Planning Mistakes: Bank Accounts
Adding your kid’s names to bank accounts is a pet peeve of mine. A lot of times I get asked – why? My answer is always that it makes a mess of something that doesn’t need to be a mess. A financial power of attorney does everything that putting your child’s name on...
Estate Planning for New Parents
As new parents, you naturally want to ensure your new baby’s future in every way. For many new parents, infancy is a time for celebrating new life, and making a will is the last thing on their minds. For others, the process of bringing new life into the world sparks...
Elder Law: What Is a Life Care Plan?
Elder law Life Care Planning is a holistic approach to elder law. The Life Care Plan places special emphasis on issues surrounding the elderly, those with long-term illnesses, and incapacity. The Life Care Plan connects your concerns about long-term care with our...
What is an Elder Care Coordinator?
What is a Elder Care Coordinator? From Dafoe Law, PLLC What is a Elder Care Coordinator? How can a ECC help with our concerns about our loved one? Will the Elder Care Coordinator help us understand how the long-term care system works and how long-term and health...
More Than Your Normal Estate Plan
What is in your plan? When you think of estate planning you usually think of death and how your property is divided. But there is more to it than just putting together documents. At Dafoe Law, we look at the big picture and take little steps to help make everything...
Asset Protection Trust Comes To Michigan
In 2017, Michigan passed a bill that allows individuals to create an asset protection trust that shelters money from future creditors. This is a major change. There are states that have been doing this for some time including, Alaska, South Dakota, and Delaware. One...