Was that supposed to be a trust amendment? If you were to write a letter to your son or daughter telling them that you want to disinherit a different son or daughter, do you have to do more to accomplish your wish to disinherit? A recent Michigan Court of Appeals case...
Using Local Insight And Legal Know-How
To Protect Your Interests
Year: 2017
Fiduciary: Who do you Trust
Fiduciary: How to Pick your a Trustee, Executor, and Agent Under a Power of Attorney While the term fiduciary is a legal term with a long history, it very generally means someone who is legally obligated to act in another person’s best interests. Trustees, personal...
Why Your Estate Planning Project Must Morph into a Process
Many people put their estate plan on their to-do list as a one-time project: “Create estate plan” or “Meeting with lawyer 10:30 a.m. Thursday for estate plan.” Your estate planning attorney should help you think of it as more. Thinking of your estate plan as a single...
Got Stuff? George Carlin Says You Need An Estate Plan!
Stuff George Carlin would have been a great pitchman for estate planning. You may remember his stand-up routine on “stuff.” We all have stuff, and we’re pretty particular about our stuff. We move it around with us, it’s hard for some of us to get rid of it, and some...
Impacts of the Trump Presidency on Estate Planning: Your Quick Guide
Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President today, January 20, 2017. As of today, we have a new President. With that bit of uncertainty behind us and a fresh year starting out, here’s what you need to know about planning your estate under the incoming Trump...
Elder Law – Life Care Planning: An Introduction
Medicaid planning is part of elder law, but often is something that is only thought of during a crisis. Life Care Planning is more holistic. It focus on the elder’s quality of life. It starts before you have a crisis. Life Care Planning assists elders in receiving the...
Long-term Care Planning
The terms elder law and long-term care planning are used by some to have different meanings. At Dafoe Law, we educate our clients on the law and provide strategies that the clients understand to plan for the future. Medicaid Planning Long-term care planning has two...
What is a Life Care Plan?
A Life Care Plan is a different approach to Long-Term Care Planning Dafoe Law, PLLC The Life Care Plan places special emphasis on issues surrounding the elderly, those with long-term illnesses, and incapacity. The Life Care Plan connects your concerns about long-term...